The Country List

The Country List - The TCC List - Hillman Top 100 List - List of Airports - List of Airlines - The Tracks - The Extrems - Diving

So far, I have been to 124 out of the 251 countries/teritories listed in the ISO 3166.
Thats equal to 103 out of the 193 UN member states, or 105 out of the 195 recognized states.

Countries in order of first visit  
01 Germany DEU born
02 Austria AUT 1971
03 Italy ITA 1974
04 Switzerland CHE 1975
05 Liechtenstein LIE 1984
06 France FRA 1986
07 Belgium BEL 1987
08 United Kingdom and Northern Ireland GBR 1987
09 Netherlands NLD 1989
10 Spain ESP 1989
11 Luxembourg LUX 1990
12 German Democratic Republic (Reunited with Germany Oct. 03,1990) GDR 1990
13 Czech Republic CZE 1993
14 Denmark DNK 1993
15 Malta MLT 1996
16 Egypt EGY 1997
  Puerto Rico (Transit only) PRI 1997
17 Dominicanian Republic DOM 1998
18 Singapore SGN 2002
19 Indonesia IDN 2002
20 Maldives MDV 2002
21 Portugal POR 2003
22 Sri Lanka SRI 2004
23 Thailand THA 2005
24 Mauritius MUS 2006
25 Seychelles SYC 2007
26 Mexico MEX 2008
27 Sweden SWE 2008
28 Hongkong HKG 2008
29 Macao MAC 2008
30 Philippines PHL 2009
31 Palau PLW 2009
32 Brazil BRA 2009
33 Paraguay PRY 2009
34 Argentina ARG 2009
35 Taiwan TWM 2009
36 Monaco MCO 2010
37 Ecuador ECU 2010
38 Malaysia MYS 2010
39 United Arab Emirates AER 2010
40 Australia AUS 2011
41 Papua New Guinea PNG 2011
42 Jersey JEY 2011
43 Guernsey GGY 2011
44 Slovakia SVK 2011
45 Hungaria HUN 2011
46 Island ISL 2011
47 Canada CAN 2011
48 China CHN 2011
49 San Marino SMR 2012
50 New Zealand NZL 2012
51 Slovenia SVN 2012
52 Croatia HRV 2012
53 Bosnia & Herzogowina BIH 2012
  Quatar (Transit only) QAT 2012
54 Oman OMN 2012
55 Turkey TUR 2012
56 Uruguay URY 2013
57 Andorra AND 2013
58 Norway NOR 2013
59 Poland POL 2013
60 Svalbard SJM 2013
61 USA  USA 2013
62 Costa Rica CRI 2013
  El Salvador (Transit only) SLV 2013
63 Honduras HND 2013
64 Chile CHL 2013
65 Latvia LVA 2014
66 Finland FIN 2014
67 Estonia EST 2014
68 Greece GRC 2014
69 Ireland IRL 2014
70 Isle of Man IMN 2014
  Ceute & Melilla (not recogniced in ISO 3166)   2014
71 Morocco MAR 2014
72 Gibraltar GIB 2014
73 French-Polynesia PYF 2014
74 Cook Islands COK 2014
75 Cyprus CYP 2015
  Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (not recogniced in ISO 3166)   2015
76 Lebanon LBN 2015
77 Romania ROU 2015
78 Serbia SRB 2015
79 Bulgaria BGR 2015
80 Russia RUS 2015
81 Lithuania  LTU 2015
82 Bahamas BHS 2016
83 Turks and Caicos TCA 2016
84 State of Vatican City VAT 2016
85 Republic of Korea KOR 2016
86 Fiji FJI 2016
87 La Reunion REU 2017
88 South Africa ZAF 2017
89 Ukraine UKR 2017
90 Belarus BLR 2017
91 Jordan JOR 2017
92 Japan JPN 2018
93 Guam GUM 2018
94 Micronesia FSM 2018
95 Israel ISR 2018
96 Palestine PSE 2018
97 India IND 2018
98 Aruba ABW 2018
99 Curacao CUW 2018
100 Panama PAN 2018
101 Cambodia KHM 2018
102 Vietnam VNM 2018
103 Georgia GEO 2019
104 Armenia ARM 2019
105 Cape Verde CPV 2019
106 Kuwait KWT 2022
107 Northern Macedonia MKD 2022
108 Kosovo (not fully recogniced in ISO 3166, blocked by Serbia) XXK 2022
109 Albania ALX 2022
110 Montenegro MNE 2022
111 Kenya KEN 2022
112 Aland ALA 2023
113 Republic of Moldova MDA 2023
114 Uzbekistan UZB 2023
115 Zimbabwe ZWE 2023
116 Botswana BWA 2023
117 Zambia ZMB 2023
118 Tanzania TZN 2023
119 Marshall Islands MHL 2023
120 Greenland GRL 2024
121 Bahrain BHR 2024
122 Qatar QAT 2024
123 Mongolia MNG 2024
124 Kazakhstan KAZ 2024
  reached the country by plane    
  reached the country by car    
  reached the country by bus    
  reached the country by train    
  reached the country by ship    
  reached the country by just walking in    
  stayed overnight    
    If I have traveled to a country in different ways, the symboles are in sequence of usage.